Our secure partners
Together with our partners, we make every bike theft-proof.

30 days free insurance
Velopass is now offering 30 days of free cover to protect your bike with every bike purchased. You get premium cover from Laka, which covers you against theft, damage, loss and more. You are covered on activation.
And every Laka policy is flexible until the month, meaning you can cancel at any time during your free cover and not be charged a penny.
Insure with Laka
More than 200 bicycle shops trust Qover
Protect your bike from theft and material damages and enjoy 24/7 assistance in case of emergency.
Insure with Qover

Cycling with confidence
Protect your bike with Safebike insurance and enjoy peace of mind during your cycling trips. Coverage against theft, damage, and accidents. Flexible policy options and fast claims processing. Cycle with confidence, your valuable possession is protected with Safebike.
Insure with Safebike
Everyone a bicycle
Buy your affordable and quality bike at buycycle!
buycycle was born by three cycling enthusiasts who were able to turn their passion into their profession.Today, the founders are happily working towards buycycle’s vision of creating the world’s leading marketplace for high-value used bikes, making selling and buying used bikes as easy as riding them.
Safer Every Ride
AFAC is renowned for its international efforts in tracking down bicycles, aimed at minimizing bike theft. Collaborating with Velopass, our aim is to achieve safer mobility. Our joint commitment focuses on enhancing security and revolutionizing the biking experience, aiming to create a safer cycling environment for all.
AFACOxford ride with confidence
Making bicycles is in our blood. It flows through our veins and it “thrills” our hearts. For us, then, “strong in bikes” means more than being skilled at making bikes. It also means that we make strong bikes the way we ourselves would like a bike to be. Solid, comfortable, durable, reliable and safe.
OxfordVenturelli: 90 years of experience is not nothing!
Venturelli produces its bikes in Hooglede, so made in Belgium!
KNOWHOW IN OWN HOUSE: Bonaventure BVBA has the great advantage of producing our frames in-house for many years with our own hands or machines. This exceptional know-how allows us to create the perfect geometry combined with a very comfortable sitting position on any type of bicycle whether city or electric, sport & fitness. The handling of our bikes is therefore of an exceptionally high level.
Flebi: Folding electric bikes
An innovative concept of sustainable transport that combines three main characteristics. They have a very compact size after folding, light weigh so you can transport them comfortably and have an electrical assistance system for you to move effortlessly.
FlebiJoule: Boost your leasing plan
By making it easy for people to lease a bike,
Joule is helping shape the mobility of the future.

Loewi: For sustainability
At Loewi, we want to make electric mobility more accessible and more sustainable – in short, to do good for the planet and your wallet!
LoewiMy bike in my name